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Guiding green and digital transitions in the right direction. Criteria for good work

2022 – In this paper, Frank Pot sets out the criteria for good work and provides the scientific basis for them. (The paper is written in Dutch but you can find an extended abstract and full criteria in English on pages 2 and 3.)


The Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) calls ‘better work’ the new task for society. Poor job quality is contrary to human dignity, poses a risk to physical and mental health, entails costs for organisations and society, leads to wastage of talent and sub-optimal organisational performance.

However, the market mechanism does not automatically lead to ‘good work’. There are even signs of deterioration. Moreover, the future of work will look different due to green and digital transitions. That is why policies and actions are needed from the social partners and the government.

Objective criteria ‘based on the state of the art and professional services’ (Dutch Working Conditions Act, art. 3) for the quality of work can help in this regard.


The English part of the paper contains the following paragraphs:

  • Why work organisation and work tasks matter;
  • How to understand work organisation and work tasks?
  • There is good work if….



Pot, Frank: ‘Groene en digitale transities in ‘goede banen’ leiden –  Criteria voor ‘goed werk’.  Paper Nederlandse ArbeidsmarktDag 2022; 6 oktober 2022.